
★ Our Hot Seat Produces 2 Direct Referrals

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We've made it very Simple for You to Achieve a decent Monthly Income
1.You'll get Your Personalized Lead capture Page with Pre-Written Follow up Messages. Which You Can Promote at Your will to Build Your own Lists and Recruit Unlimited AIOP Referrals.

Q:What happens When You promote Your personalized Lead capture page?
A: Interested prospects will Enter their name and email and Your aiop Autoresponder does the follow ups. Once they are Convinced about our Team build they will Join Directly under You Immediately. There is no restrictions you can recruit Unlimited Direct referrals .

2.Q:What happens When You Promote Your Team Provided Unique Adtracker Link
Every Time You Reach the Hot Seat (mini rotators in groups of 10)
We'll Place 2 Direct paid referrals Under You back to back. One Goes to you and the Next Goes to your Sponsor. It's a Win,Win Situation and It happens to You also, When your Downline Member/s Reaches The Hot Seat He/She gets 2 Direct Referrals one goes to Them and next goes under You. And if that's not enough, Members with no referrals get priority. To get These benefits You Must maintain 3000/more hits Per Month to the team page. It's a new day join Today!

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