
★ Real Cloud Mining!

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About Hashing24
Hashing24 was made by professionals for individuals who want to get involved in bitcoin mining. We believe that everyone should benefit from the mining and be able to have access the newest technologies and large scale industrial data centers from your laptop or mobile phone.

The Hashing24 team has been involved in a mining business since 2012. We constantly explore the bitcoin market and we want to share our knowledge with you.

We stay informed on the major players in the bitcoin mining space.
We constantly monitor new innovations and implement them for you.
We choose the most reliable and reputable partners with the best equipment and data centers, what allows us to constantly increase selling capacities while providing our customers with the best opportunities.
We ensure our partners provide warranties for their equipment and its maintenance, meaning we will hold them accountable for any disruption to your hosting for mining.
We constantly evaluate new partners in order to provide you with the best speed, capacity and performance.
We cooperate with different mining companies. Our initial supplier of mining power is one of the industry’s leaders - BitFury.

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