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Just wanted to give you a quick heads-up about the
email marketing platform I've started using
It has some great features that might help you run
your business, too. Simply start a 30-day free
trial to see if you like it.
And there's a catch, but a great one: it comes
with a course that covers everything you need in
order to grow a list by up to 10,000 subscribers
in as little as 90 days.
The best part is that the program is available to
free-trial accounts that have less than 10,000
You can choose from two program schedules: the
90-day fast-track program or the 180-day standard
program. I chose the 90-day course because I am
focused on fast results.
It takes three hours per day, but it is definitely
worth it. If your schedule is too busy, try the
180-day standard program.
Each session consists of a video tutorial,
presentation, and article. The lessons are
available every 24 hours except the weekends, so
you arenâ™t overloaded with materials.
So signup now and I'll send you link the via email so
that you can get started right away.
Click here:
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email marketing platform I've started using
It has some great features that might help you run
your business, too. Simply start a 30-day free
trial to see if you like it.
And there's a catch, but a great one: it comes
with a course that covers everything you need in
order to grow a list by up to 10,000 subscribers
in as little as 90 days.
The best part is that the program is available to
free-trial accounts that have less than 10,000
You can choose from two program schedules: the
90-day fast-track program or the 180-day standard
program. I chose the 90-day course because I am
focused on fast results.
It takes three hours per day, but it is definitely
worth it. If your schedule is too busy, try the
180-day standard program.
Each session consists of a video tutorial,
presentation, and article. The lessons are
available every 24 hours except the weekends, so
you arenâ™t overloaded with materials.
So signup now and I'll send you link the via email so
that you can get started right away.
Click here:
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